Sunday, June 22, 2008

I want to be...

I want to be the beautiful dreams in you beauty sleep...
I want to be the inspiration of your success...
I want to be the companion of your life...
I want to be your passions and desires...
I want to be your past...present...and futures...
I want to be the colours of your laughter...
I want to be the sound of your symphony...
I want ro be the reason for you to smile...
I want to be the reason for you to laugh out loud...
I want to be the hands that you reach for...
I want to be the stars that decorate you night sky...
I want to be the moon accompany your lonely night...
I want to be the ocean where your river runs to...
I want to be the wave runs to your shore...
I want to be the wind that breeze through your hair...
I want to be the sunlight burns your morning dew...
I want to be the rain in your summer dune...
I want to be the flowers in your spring...
I want to be the fallen leaves in your autumn...
I want to be the white snow carpetted your winter...
I want to be the mist after your falling rain...
I want to be the queen of your heart...
I want to be safe in your arms...
I want to be wrapped by your love...
...most of all
...I want to be with you by your side.


Ty said...

yay..! ni kene promote ni blogpage ni. nanti aku letak link dlm blog aku. can't wait to read ur produce, layla!

Mia Devis said...

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